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Meghan Markle Extends Olive Branch to Kate Middleton

Duchess Meghan reaches out to Kate Middleton amid health concerns, expressing genuine worry and sparking curiosity about reconciliation in the ongoing royal saga.
Meghan Markle Extends Olive Branch to Kate Middleton
Credits: Getty Images
By Aatar Ata | Founder and Senior Author of Aatar X
4 min read — March 16, 2024
Los Angeles, California – March 16, 2024 The British royal family finds itself once again in the spotlight as Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, reportedly attempts to mend fences with her estranged sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales.
This news comes amidst a flurry of recent events that have captivated the British tabloids and public alike.
Following Kate Middleton’s absence from public duties since Christmas 2023, speculation ran rampant. Her limited public appearances, including skipping the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade with the Irish Guards – a role she assumed in 2023 after the death of Queen Elizabeth – further fueled concerns.
Adding to the intrigue were recent reports of a heavily photoshopped image released for Mother’s Day, sparking accusations of inauthenticity from the Palace.
According to royal biographer Tom Quinn, speaking to the Mirror, Meghan Markle has reached out to Kensington Palace “through back channels” on several occasions. Quinn claims Markle is “genuinely worried about Kate’s health,” following reports of Kate undergoing serious abdominal surgery in January 2024.
However, navigating the path to reconciliation appears complex. Royal commentator Jennie Bond, speaking to OK, suggests this might not be the ideal time for deep conversation. “Kate needs to concentrate on regaining her strength, both physically and mentally,” Bond emphasizes.
She suggests a more casual gesture, like sending flowers or a basket of goodies, might be a more appropriate way for Meghan to express concern. Quinn seems to agree, suggesting such an effort would likely be “politely accepted” by Kate, who wouldn’t want to appear dismissive.
The reported outreach comes against the backdrop of a well-documented rift between the two Duchesses. Tensions reportedly escalated after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped back from their senior royal roles in 2020.
The couple’s subsequent interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021 further strained the relationship, with allegations of mistreatment leveled against the Palace.
While the long-term implications of Markle’s reported outreach remain unclear, it undoubtedly adds a new layer to the ongoing saga of the British royal family.
Whether this is a genuine attempt at reconciliation or a strategic public relations move remains to be seen. One thing is certain: the world will be watching closely for any developments.
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