Aatar X

Google to Remove Low-Quality Apps from Play Store

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Google Announces Removal of Low-Quality Apps to Improve User Experience and Safety.
Google Announces Removal of Low-Quality Apps to Improve User Experience and Safety. (Credits: Getty Images)
By Aatar Ata | Founder and Senior Author of Aatar X
4 min read — July 20, 2024
Today, I want to tell you that Google Play Store, which is a very big platform, has announced that it will remove low-quality apps from the Play Store starting next month. This was a big problem that Google has now solved. People have listed many low-quality apps on the Google Play Store, causing users to face many scams and troubles. Seeing this problem faced by users, Google has announced that it will delete such apps starting next month.
According to Google’s new spam policy update, apps that show “limited functionality and content” will be removed from the Play Store. The company said they will do this by August 31.
I think this was a very big problem that needed to be solved. I was also frustrated with these low-quality apps. Many people have been scammed because of these apps. That’s why Google is going to start solving this issue next month.
Google says it did this to make sure that apps in the Play Catalog meet higher standards and provide good functionality to engage users. This has caused some people to be worried.
Google has done this before as noted by Android Authority, “In 2023, 2.28 million apps were blocked from the service for violating policies and endangering user safety.” Despite this, people continued to spam, so the policy was updated again to ensure quality.
Google also said that “it had banned 333,000 “bad” Google Play accounts in 2023 due to repeated serious policy violations and concerns related to fraud and malware.” Now, there is a need to update this policy again to better control the issue.
I am sure that you will make your apps on the Google Play Store even better so that more people can benefit from them and you can build a great community.

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